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What have you bought bought is the question?

What have you bought bought is the question you'd ask if you met them as described, casually, and saw they had things in their shopping bag. The first question suggests prior knowledge that the person was going shopping.

Who owns bought by many?

The UK-based digital pet insurer Bought by Many has attracted a valuation of $2 billion and secured a series D round investment of $350m led by Sweden-based investment group EQT. Many Group is the parent company of Bought By Many in the UK and ManyPets in Sweden and the US.

How many cases of'she was bought by' are there?

BNC records only 3 cases of 'she was bought by', and in all 3 cases buy is used in the single-object sense. "He bought a house for her." (He was her agent.) "She was bought a house by him."

Do you use 'have bought' and've bought' in a sentence?

I bought a new cell phone last week. I bought a new cell phone at the mall. However, if you're simply stating a fact, most people would use the two interchangeably, and not consider either to be wrong (Though most grammarians would argue that the present perfect "have bought" is more correct.)

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